My new haircut.

I finally did it - I went to the hairdressers in Japan. And how... Originally I'd thought about getting my waist-length hair trimmed, well trimmed, in fact cut - maybe even 5 or 6 inches. In the end I decided to get a whole new look - and my hair is now shoulder-length. What a change. And it's so quick to wash and dry in the mornings. So much less hassle at the gym and in the heat (that is still going on and on and on.)
I had it done the Japanese way too. First of all my hair was double washed and conditioned. I was given a head massage too which was awesome. I could have spent the whole afternoon with my head in the wash basin. After that my hair was combed and combed. Then out came the razor - that's right, a razor - and the stylist proceeded to hack my hair. Well, hack is not the word, really. He deftly sliced through endless layers of hair until it was all even, though still below my shoulders. Then he dried it and I thought we were done. No. He then went on to thin it out - quite a bit at the back which is great in the heat. This is a very Japanese thing and is done with scissors. He just seemed to cut more both at the length it was at and then a lot shorter. The end result - my hair is layered at the bottom, and thinned through the back and round. It still has the "length" from the top down to my shoulders on the top layer but has been thinned out. I hope this makes sense. Then it was given a final comb and dry and hey presto. I could have cried! It looked so fabulous. I love it. It feels so nice and fresh. A new look for me which I feel makes me look a little younger too and goes with the new body that I am slowly sculpting too. Thinner body - thinner hair. Ha ha ha.
I couldn't be happier. It looks great. It feels great. It's so much less hassle too. I even went as far as going and buying some new hair accessories for shorter hair. I'm smiling now, just remembering what a great experience this has been, and there was me worrying about having my hair cut Japanese style, but I've got to say it's one of the best cuts I've ever had, if not the best. I can't say enough about it. But I'm not going to rant any longer on here.
Posted Saturday, 11 September 2004
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