19 March 2005

So winter is here

All of a sudden it's got rather cold. The heat of summer finally died down towards the end of September but it had still been quite pleasant. I'd been able to go out in a t-shirt or a shirt and hadn't needed a coat until this week. This week things changed and now I need a coat and a cardigan. It's cold. And it turns out that our air conditioner's heating unit doesn't work. Oh dear. We have a little electric heater that our landlord lent us but it's about 500 years old and rather dodgy. I think we are going to have to buy one ourselves. My Japanese teacher was annoyed with the weather and said that here in Wakayama you rarely need a coat in October. Granted October is over tomorrow, but even so. And this is only just the beginning. I wonder how different a Japanese winter will be from an English winter. I'm guessing that Wakayama and London will be quite similar - relatively wet and cold without being below freezing too much. We'll see. I've bought some scarves, gloves and hats. I also have my nice raincoat and have got a thick jacket. I didn't bring my winter coat with me. We'll soon see if that was a good idea or not! In a way I wish we had gone somewhere we would have had a "real" winter - like in the north of Japan or up in the mountains - as I'd really like to learn to ski and snowboard, but it's not to be. Oh well, winter is here, the nights are drawing in fast, there’s a fine drizzle outside and I’m cold. Really does sound like winter in England!

30 October 2004

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